“Getting my patients back to the life, activity and sport
that drives them is the most fulfilling part of my job.”
Throughout my life, I have always embraced an active, healthy lifestyle. Growing up in Kananaskis Country, just outside of Calgary, Alberta, if I wasn’t at the river or local ski hill, I was either out riding bikes or spending time at the lake. It was at a young age that an appreciation for nature and the outdoors became instilled in me. Since that time, my love for nature has grown exponentially. It is now stronger than ever, after studying the principles of naturopathic medicine at the Boucher Institute.
Beginning in my childhood, my life has consistently revolved around sports. Skiing before I could walk, there was never a season that I wasn’t at the hill. Captain of both my volleyball and lacrosse teams, I was always happy to fulfill the leadership role. In both sports and health, I enjoyed assisting others in reaching their goals. My desire to help others led me to pursue my first degree at the University of Alberta in Physical Education, with a major in Sports Performance. While completing my degree, I noticed my own health beginning to suffer, and the conventional medical system could offer no explanation nor effective treatment. As a young woman in my early twenties, I didn’t want to settle for feeling ill. I was living with severe, often debilitating, abdominal pain on a recurring basis, and I needed a solution. Of the many doctors and specialists that I consulted, none ever mentioned that my diet could be the culprit. In doing my own research, I began completely transforming my diet. I started with eliminating suspect foods. As time went on, I no longer needed to rely on prescription pain medication. Although it did not happen overnight, I ultimately healed my body with nutrition. From that point forward, nutrition became an integral part of my life. I have since committed myself to living and feeling my best -never wanting to revert to my previous state of pain.
Special Interest and Clinical Focus in:
Sports performance and rehabilitation
Physical medicine & chronic pain
Aesthetic Procedures
Digestion, food allergies and Nutrition
Prenatal and Pregnancy support
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from - Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
Bachelor of Physical Education & Recreation - University of Alberta
“My Explore” French as a Second Language intensive course - Universite de Laval
Additional Certifications & Training
CNPBC Board certified in Acupuncture
CNPBC Board certified in Intravenous Nutrient Therapy
Pharmacy prescribing authority through the CNPBC Board
CNPBC Board certified in Advanced Injection Therapies (Part A Appendicular skeleton)
CNPBC Board certified in Aesthetic Procedures
Neural Prolotherapy Training with Dr. Jeff Harris ND
Naturopathic Cardiac Life Saving (NCLS) and BLS/CPR training through OHM Medical
Personal Training through the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP)
Reiki Therapy Level 1
Global Health Certification and Internship with Natural Doctors International (NDI) in Ometepe Nicaragua
Canadian Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (CNPBC)
British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA)
Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)
Naturopathic physicians are medically trained, naturally focused. The goal is removing obstacles to cure, allowing the body to heal itself. Our role is to enhance the process, we do this by using different modalities in a systematic way that is both unique and individualized for each patient. Naturopathic medicine is founded on six guiding principles that celebrate the healing power of nature as well as a recognition of the dynamic connection of all living things. The principles that define this medicine and guide our approach to the human body are;
Focus on treatments using the least invasive and toxic therapies.
Trust in the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
Look for the cause, identify, remove and treat the underlying cause of disease and dysfunction
Educate patients on how and why to maintain their health and wellness, empowering patients to take responsibility and an active role in their health.
The body is not segregated, therefore we must not limit treatments to the disease symptoms, but focus on treating the person. Considering the role that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states all play in health and wellness as well as lifestyle, nutritional status, genetics and the environment and their impact on the person as a whole.
Naturopathic doctors focus on overall health and wellness and the importance of disease prevention for prolonged longevity.