Unicorn “NICE CREAM” Cake Recipe
Ok, so remember last summer when Starbucks had that weird unicorn drink that got really popular but looked like it could give you diabetes after drinking just one, and how the colours looked too fake and fluorescent to be made with real food? Well, I’m glad that's long gone but in a way it inspired this recipe or at least the name and colour layering. No more guilt and upset stomaches over eating ice cream at summer BBQ birthdays or any special occasion since this dessert is pure raw vegan, packed with nutrients & 100% acceptable to eat for breakfast the next day too! Added bonus, it will GIVE you energy instead of that dreaded sugar crash after consuming processed sugars and foods. I'll also guarantee you can pronounce all ingredients which is another important component of conscious consumption.
Before I give you the recipe let me share with you why this checks all the boxes on the “A" list:
Meal planning and food prepping that combines all 3 in one sitting is a recipe for success any way you look at it.
- Fat (primarily from the avocados in this recipe) slows the release of stomach contents into the small intestine. This slowed release keeps us feeling full longer translating into more prolonged energy and less snacking. Fat is also the backbone and building block to most of our hormones produced. Hormones are the body’s way of communicating with itself. In order to have happy healthy hormones in balance we need to feed our body those healthy fats. (Think avocados, coconut oil/ milk, MCT oil, olive oil, olives, omegas, fish, flax oil etc).
- Fiber (from the oats & chia here but present in foods such as vegetables, fruit, legumes and whole grains) have almost an endless list of benefits for our body. Fiber is defined as carbohydrates that are not broken down and hydrolyzed by enzymes in the human small intestine and can be further clarified into two categories: water-insoluble and water-soluble. Insoluble fibre has the ability to hold water making stool bulkier, softer and easier to pass, AKA keeping us regular and decreasing constipation reducing symptoms and conditions such as abdominal pain, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. Soluble fiber when combined with a liquid forms a gel (think chia seeds in water and how they turn it into a “thick” substance… if texture doesn’t bother you try this out, its one of my favourite ways to spice up my water and make it more fun to drink) this thick gel substance delays gastric emptying keeping us satiated longer and has the ability to lower serum cholesterol. Added to the list of fibre benefits we can’t overlook its ability to control blood sugar, decrease the risk of developing colon cancer, aiding in weight management and the list goes on.
- Protein (from the chia seeds, almond flour & spirulina powder) helps stabilizes our blood sugar. Our blood sugar is tightly regulated within a certain range, when that level rises (after eating simple carbohydrates like a chocolate bar) we experience a sugar high giving you that quick buzz and burst of energy. But, we’ve all experienced the crash! Just as soon as our blood sugar spikes it will come crashing down below the normal level and put us at risk of experiencing hypoglycaemia, the shakes and jitters and more food cravings. Combining protein with fat helps keep our blood sugar, mood and energy in check.
- Ingredients:
- 6 Avocados
- 6 Bananas
- 1 can Coconut milk or optional to use water or other nut mylk
- 1 C Gluten free oats
- 3/4 C Almond flour
- 1/2 C Chia seeds
- 1 tbsp Cinnamon
- Himalayan sea salt
- Optional ingredients for each colour layer think about adding approximately 1tsp + of each powder depending on how vibrant you want your colours to be.
- Black: Activated charcoal
- Green: Liquid chlorophyll & spirulina powder
- Pink: Reds powder or beet powder & raspberries
- Yellow: Turmeric powder, ginger & lemon
- Purple: Frozen blueberries
- Blue: Blue magic powder
- Optional sprinkle toppings
- Toasted or raw coconut shavings
- Shaved cacao
- Shaved frozen ginger
- Sliced fruit
- Optional ingredients for each colour layer think about adding approximately 1tsp + of each powder depending on how vibrant you want your colours to be.
- Crust was made with almond flour, gluten free oats, chia seeds and dates soaked to soften then blended in their soaking water with cinnamon and a pinch of Himalayan sea salt. Cinnamon is a warming herb that promotes circulation, a perfect compliment to the frozen blend.
- Spread and pack this crust evenly into a parchment lined 9X13’ pan and set aside.
- Each coloured layer was made with 2 avocados and 2 frozen bananas, a splash of maple syrup ~ 1/3 a can of coconut milk and a pinch of sea salt again. Combine all these base ingredients in a high powered blender or vitamix. Once combined and smooth I added the colouring agent as the blender was already mixing, but feel free to add everything per layer all at once.
- After the first layer is made spread it evenly onto of the crust getting it as uniform and smooth as possible to make it pretty when you cut into it. Place in the freezer until your second and third layers are ready.
- Rinse the blender between each layer, especially if you’re doing a darker layer on the bottom so you don’t mix the colours prematurely.
- The previous layer doesn’t have to be frozen before adding the next one, a good chill should suffice. Just be gentle as you spread the next one to keep the colours separate.
- Once all layers are added spice it up and keep the presentation pretty. Shave a knob of frozen ginger across the sop, sprinkle it with coconut shavings and or cacao or line the edges with sliced fruit, whatever you want, theres no rules here.
- Now its ready for the final freeze! Let it sit a minimum generous 2 hours in the freezer so that you have a nice solid block that will be easy to slice through and your layers won’t run into one another.
- After making this recipe a couple times now the best serving tip I have is to bring it out of the freezer after that initial 2 hours and cut it into your desired sized pieces using a knife dipped in hot water to make slicing easier. Once its cut place it back in the freezer until its go time.
- Bring this crowd pleaser out onto the counter good hour before you want people to dive into it. This will allow the layers to slightly soften and enhances the flavour profile when it's not completely solid.
Thats it, I think this literally takes the cake on my most successful recipe created for my hungry and willing taste testers of friends that I’ve been nominated as bringer of the birthday cake for all our celebratory potluck gatherings. And you know what, I couldn’t be happier to celebrate someone and another successful rotation around the sun than with contributing a healthy treat like this!
Share your comments below and tag @dr.kayleedriedger.nd on ig with your creation and what colour combinations you come up with!